The Joyful Sort How To: Simplify Your Day With Habit Stacking
And just like that, fall is in full swing! A lot of us are adjusting to new school and sports schedules, counting down to the holidays, and trying to wrap our heads around the fact that another new year is just a few short months away. That January calendar turn is obviously well known as a time of reset and re-evaluation, but fall has also always felt to me like a great time for a fresh start and some habit shifts.
The Joyful Sort Top 5: Tips For An Organized Move
Anyone who has moved at least once as an adult knows that there’s a reason it’s considered one of the top five most stressful life events. It’s a huge transition that requires a lot of decision-making, time, and money, not to mention the emotional element of being forced to deal with all of your stuff.
The Joyful Sort team has had the fun opportunity to handle several unpack projects in recent months and while they may make us feel like kids on Christmas morning (there are few things in the organizing world that bring me more joy than helping to ease some of the stress of a move and set someone up with fabulous systems from the get-go in a new space), moving can understandably be a source of, well…panic for a lot of people. Here are a few easy ways to stay (mostly) sane, focused, and organized:
The Joyful Sort How To: Donate Responsibly
For a lot of people, trying to figure out where to donate items that they no longer need, use, or love is one of the biggest reasons that they put off decluttering in the first place. “Where can I donate _____?” is one of the top questions that I hear from clients, friends, and family alike as a professional organizer.
I’ll be anyone’s biggest cheerleader when it comes to decluttering. But not all donations are created equal and it’s important to think about the impact that our stuff has, even when (especially when) it leaves our homes. Read on for my top tips on how to donate responsibly!
The Joyful Sort Top 5: Easy Kitchen Organization Tips
house, some pretty epic dance parties.
So much of our daily routines center around the kitchen (especially in our new Covid world), so if we find ourselves searching for things in cluttered cabinets and drawers or shoving things wherever they fit that day, it’s easy to feel scattered in other areas as well. But when a home hub like this works for and with your daily routine instead of against it? It’s a wonderful thing.
The Joyful Sort How To: Organize A Holiday Gift Wrap Station
Well, friends, we’ve made it to the holiday season! I’ve always been a very strict “Christmastime doesn’t start until after Thanksgiving” person, but this year I was definitely ready for the pick-me-up of some twinkle lights by mid-November. Our holiday is obviously going to look much different this year thanks to COVID, but I keep reminding myself that a lot of the best parts (hot chocolate with peppermint whipped cream served in Santa mugs, Judy Garland’s version of “Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas”, and watching my boys exchange the “brother gifts” they’ve picked out for each other on Christmas Eve) will stay the same despite all of the changes and uncertainty.
In the spirit of controlling what we can control (big 2020 theme around here), I’ve got a quick and easy project that will hopefully help you feel more prepared and pulled together as we head into the home stretch of this crazy year - a holiday gift wrap station!
The Joyful Sort Top 5: Books About Organization
One of the perks of the dumpster fire that is 2020 is that I’ve had a chance to read more, something that had fallen by the wayside in the go-go-go that was our pre-Covid life. I decided to keep track of the books I finish this year (I’m up to 25 so far!) and have been enjoying everything from frilly beach reads (Big Summer by Jennifer Weiner) to celebrity gossip (Open Book by Jessica Simpson - I know, but if you’re an old millennial like me please just trust me on this one) to books about anti-racism and embracing the beautiful notion of doing less and breathing more.
I keep a shelf of organizing and decluttering books above my desk for inspiration or to look to when I’m feeling stuck on a project and thought I’d share some favorites here to add to your own 2020 reading list.
The Joyful Sort How To: Keep Your Car Clean And Organized
Happy Summer, friends! While 2020 may not exactly be the year of epic road trips, we’re still in the car quite a bit as we spend these warmer days exploring all of the great metro parks and outdoor spaces here in Columbus. Between my two messy little boys and a lovable but very shed-prone Australian shepherd, plus hauling client donations from sessions each week, my car (a Subaru Outback that I absolutely adore) can take a bit of a beating. Here’s how to keep yours looking great!
The Joyful Sort Top 5: Lessons Learned From Being Married To A Professional Organizer
Hi there! I hope that everyone is hanging in there as we roll into yet another month of our strange new world. We’re all spending so much time at home with our families anymore (Day 74 over here, not that I’m counting) that I thought it would be fun to have a member of my own family, my dear husband Zach, take the reins on this post and give you all a glimpse into what it’s like living with a professional organizer.